The vast majority of the standards are focused on “security through obscurity”, which is a fool’s method. Chip tuning isn’t going away, it’s just becoming significantly more difficult.Superchips offers the world's best-selling lineup of performance programmers and tuners for both gas and diesel trucks as well as Jeep® Wrangler.The CRTD4® Twin-Channel Tuning system, for Petrol and Diesel vehicles, is at the cutting edge of digital tuning box technology and represents a revolution in vehicle remapping. Software that not only provides HEX editing capabilities, but. That's why if you're serious about car ECU chip tuning - you want to look into dedicated ECU chip tuning software like TOAD. Even though chip tuning is possible with any ordinary HEX editor (as described above) - the fact is it can be very time consuming, tedious and error-prone.